Friday, April 24, 2009

This is insanely creepy.
I got goosebumps after watching this!
(you need to watch the whole video to know what I mean by CREEEEEEEEEEPY!)

But boy is he talented (?)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter! :3

Other than the fact that I got virtually no work done, Easter was good this year :D And, I love this song woohoo!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I like it when people say 'thank you'

You get that warm fuzzy feeling, yknow? Keeps you smiling :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Disastrously-addictive song alert!

Second post today!
But good grief this song has been playing over and over and over in my head :O

Can I have an egg omelette?

Firstly, the title for this post has nothing to do with its content :D

Sigh. I think the tired bug is coming back again. It seems like no matter how much I sleep now I'm still tired. You have no idea how hard it was to pay attention during Math lecture today. My eyelids and I are at some sort of perpetual war with each other ;__;

My rashes are getting from bad to worse. I have no idea how/when I got it though. Maybe it was at FD2? All I ate was carrot cake with prawns, but I didn't even touch the prawns! Anyway I'm getting really irritated by it. Doesn't help that the rash cream Dr Goh gave me has run out.

The acoustic set today was awesome :) At least when I was there it was. Vincent and Landy did a Jason Mraz. I think that has become the defacto first-impression guitar song. I used to always think it was More than Words; I really love that song. Hey, I should go listen to it now. Mr Yit and Mr Hu were awesome as well; especially Mr Hu; never knew he could sing! Lol. And Landy the #o1 tan-nist 'imparted' some tanning tips. I'm so disgusted at the blotches on my face now, seriously. We should go try out artificial tanning someday! It's be something new and exciting. Ooh, I love experimenting with new stuff :D

After the set MT and I went to pray; it was our turn for the prayer chain. It was really good today :) It's like the prayer practically composed itself. There were no pauses or anything; it seemed like we had lots to pray for today and lots to thank God for. You know, people are always starting their prayer with 'I pray that..., I also pray that...' It's like we're always asking? I think it's really nice and necessary to give thanks, too. I always make it a point to start my prayer with a thanks. Something Mommy taught me from young I suppose!

Oh, I'm really hgfoiguguwgug about losing my water bottle though. I loved my beautiful green nalgene bottle! I was drinking from it while watching the acoustic set, then I went to pray, then when I returned for it, POOF IT IS GONEZZZ. Gahh. I was still planning to pump water into my stomach since I'm penniless.. I still haven't figured why I'm so broke this week!! Will someone please explain it to me? Sigh. Oh crap there's life con shirt to pay for. D":

Okay I am going to read though some notes now or something. I really need to, like. Buck up.

Rest assured you're in my prayers :D