Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Few thoughts recently:
- 1. She seems so happy (no, this ain't referring to me)
- 2. Are the holidays coming yet? *whistles*
- 3. I wanna buy a digital piano and a instant photo printer! Instant photo printer can save me tonnes of dollahhs in the long run, methinks. Quite a worthy investment.
- 4. How long is an electric guitar?
- 5. Why can't I download HP and the chamber of secrets? That was totally the best HP movie ever!
- 6. It has been awhile since I watched a horror flick.
- 7. I haven't finished watching
BollywoodSlumdog millionaire! (Can you believe I typed Bollywood millionaire? Then after 5 seconds I thought it sounded wrong lol) - 8. Petch keeps blogging about soccer.
- 9. I wanna have cookies and cream ice cream!
- 10. I hate probability!!!!!!! What is the probability that probability will come out tomorrow? 1. T___T
This has got to be the most random post ever~~
By the way my favourite colour is still green.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Shape up or ship out.
“You know why I've started to study, though not entirely?
Because I’m desperate now, more than ever
If I don't get promoted this year, i wont have a life
I'll be shipped off to army and be left in the lower echelons of society for life
So, what's the last straw for you?
Even now, I'm not studying much because i keep thinking promos will help me.
But at least I'm a bit desperate now
Are you?
What you want and what you will be denied must be differentiated and compartmentalized so that you will be receptive to them
I'm starting to feel the denial i will receive if i fail.
You have to recognize it, and accept it, and act. "
What you will be denied: money
Same thing but, sometimes people fail to recognize the negative part of it. we keep fantasizing about the positives and the possible denials become a peripheral blur.
But the difference, Thias, is that you know.
What is it exactly that you want.
And it's not fair. You always do.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friends are wonderful creatures.

and you need some loving care
and nothing, nothing is going right
close your eyes and think of me
and soon i will be there
to brighten up even your darkest night
you just call out my name
and you know wherever i am
i'll come running to see you again
winter, spring, summer or fall
all you have to do is call
and i'll be there
you've got a friend
if the sky above you
grows dark and full of clouds
and that old north wind begins to blow
keep your head together
and call my name out loud
soon you'll hear me knocking at your door"
The rest of school was okay I suppose. I didn't really feel like talking today but with such concerned and coolios friends around, how not to? They really helped to get my mind off things and I'm very thankful for them. Brens, Alexia, Meiting, Max.. Oh! I went for econs consultation today! I think I understand the tutorial more now so I am happy. (:
After school went to subway with Meiting Chesed and Victor. It was awesome! Awesome company, awesome food at awesome prices, awesome conversations. We talked about the weirdest things, seriously. About our childhood, then it lead to science (?!), then specifically to physics (photoelectric effect, relativity and time freeze), then to Tim foo (lol!) and then to disney.. Oh we also saw this really.. interesting dude in the 163 bus queue. Let's just say the afro dude.. attracted our attention. For more reasons other than his hair ;D
Had the FIRST video call in my life in the night (omg phailz). But my laptop sucks and I STILL CANNOT FIGURE WHERE THE MIC IS LOCATED AT. But still. It was quite funny because chesed was saying ' oh poor you, you have to type everything out..' I is going to get my headset tomorrows! D< After that had a webcam session with Toon! Awesomes to the maxest, seriously.

All in all I'm just really glad to have these people around. I love all of you, and thank you for standing by me today (: And hey, I'm always here too, okay?
x, Audrey.
photo credited to fringuellina on flickr!

Friday, April 24, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter! :3
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Can I have an egg omelette?
Sigh. I think the tired bug is coming back again. It seems like no matter how much I sleep now I'm still tired. You have no idea how hard it was to pay attention during Math lecture today. My eyelids and I are at some sort of perpetual war with each other ;__;
My rashes are getting from bad to worse. I have no idea how/when I got it though. Maybe it was at FD2? All I ate was carrot cake with prawns, but I didn't even touch the prawns! Anyway I'm getting really irritated by it. Doesn't help that the rash cream Dr Goh gave me has run out.
The acoustic set today was awesome :) At least when I was there it was. Vincent and Landy did a Jason Mraz. I think that has become the defacto first-impression guitar song. I used to always think it was More than Words; I really love that song. Hey, I should go listen to it now. Mr Yit and Mr Hu were awesome as well; especially Mr Hu; never knew he could sing! Lol. And Landy the #o1 tan-nist 'imparted' some tanning tips. I'm so disgusted at the blotches on my face now, seriously. We should go try out artificial tanning someday! It's be something new and exciting. Ooh, I love experimenting with new stuff :D
After the set MT and I went to pray; it was our turn for the prayer chain. It was really good today :) It's like the prayer practically composed itself. There were no pauses or anything; it seemed like we had lots to pray for today and lots to thank God for. You know, people are always starting their prayer with 'I pray that..., I also pray that...' It's like we're always asking? I think it's really nice and necessary to give thanks, too. I always make it a point to start my prayer with a thanks. Something Mommy taught me from young I suppose!
Oh, I'm really hgfoiguguwgug about losing my water bottle though. I loved my beautiful green nalgene bottle! I was drinking from it while watching the acoustic set, then I went to pray, then when I returned for it, POOF IT IS GONEZZZ. Gahh. I was still planning to pump water into my stomach since I'm penniless.. I still haven't figured why I'm so broke this week!! Will someone please explain it to me? Sigh. Oh crap there's life con shirt to pay for. D":
Okay I am going to read though some notes now or something. I really need to, like. Buck up.
Rest assured you're in my prayers :D
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Prayer is a powerful tool.
2. Prayer for the sick: Sammie, Victor, WenQian, my rashes (?!)
3. Life Con people may God guide you to run and help you to never grow weary
4. Bless our relationships
5. Guidance and faith for tomorrow :)
Monday, March 30, 2009
: )
I'm glad I went yesterday for FD2.
I got the answer I was looking for, and I got his promise.
That he'll always be walking with me and encouraging me, simply with his presence.
And now I know, everything's gonna be okay : )
Thursday, March 26, 2009
God, can you hear me?
Honestly, this has been a really, really nasty week and Audrey is almost reaching her limit.
Results are back ('disappointment' would be a severe understatement), relationships are getting strained, expectations are not being met.
When I got Math back, I was totally at a lost. How was I going to break this to my parents? It didn't help that I do have help for Math, which is why my grade is simply not justified. How was I going to answer to them? In the evening I had a little.. dispute with my dad. Okay, it wasn't exactly 'little'; in fact it made me feel really guilty. Especially with the family problems going on now. I already got into this whole mess before, um, 'informing' them about my Math grade. I think they would kick me out of the house if they found out.
Hoped today would be better, but I guess not. Got back Chem and again, expectations were not met. I was really down about the fact that despite having studied for it, I still didn't do well. But I was more concerned about letting people down. Again. I mean, that's my personal definition of 'fulfillment': to meet people's expectations. (Which, may I add, is really ironic. I always seem to be letting people down. I never seem to do anything right.) I felt really guilty, and how I was going to tell Gerard. Really, I think he has been very kind to render help whenever I am in doubt. He's always saying, ' If you have any questions you can ask me yeah?' And thanks to him, I've been scoring A's for all my chem tests so far. I had questions the night before h1 papers and he took time off to explain, despite not having studied for Economics. But the fact is that I screwed up Chem BT1. Emmanuel, Victoria is sorry k?
I tell people to have faith in God's plan, yet as usual, I'm not practicing what I preach. I cannot; I tried, really, but I just cannot see myself leaving it all to God. I cannot commit everything to him. I cannot trust that he'll make everything okay. Really, I think my faith is, for the lack of the ability to come up with something coherent at this point, as puny as an ant. I know faith is believing without seeing, but I just can't do that. I'm like Thomas; unless I can put my hands through his side, I won't believe. I need that event. I need that something that is so tangible I have no choice but to believe.
I will be with you,
Your troubles will not overwhelm you"
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
On a happier note,
"legazevu says:
cherrmichealrao = the name of my bass guitar.
legazevu says:
ok initially it was named micheal, spelt wrongly when i was younger, when i went to buy my bass guitar
legazevu says:
it was micheal because... i was a guy and i assumed the guitar i bought would also be a guy. hence the first male name that came to my mind
legazevu says:
next, after using my bass for a while, i realized my constant action of plugging in the cable jack kinda made it a girl, hence, the first female name that was the top of my mind, Cherry
legazevu says:
lastly, rao. since none of my first 2 assumptions on my guitar's sex really made any sense, i figured it was neither guy nor girl. hence using my gay teacher's name, from cat high, rao. "
I am laughing. (:
(terribly) pensive.
Brens, Rachel,
I want to go back to Thailand.
All the way back to Chiangmai
Just for one more night under the stars.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sometimes we ask God to help us with something, but we are unwilling to let go and let him take care of it, even though it was us who requested for his help in the first place. Many times we stand at his side as he tries to fix our problem and when we get irritated and impatient at the pace at which he works (sometimes it takes awhile), we try to interfere because we think, with our disgusting human pride, that we can handle the problem ourselves. Maybe we should leave it in his hands because, regardless of how long he'll take, at least we have the assurance that the problem will be well-taken care of in the end. In the grand scheme of things, only he knows what's best for us, his precious children.
With this, I commit myself to you, Lord. Together I lift up my family, my friends. Their troubles, fears, insecurities. Only you can grant us this peace we seek for.
" He will protect you as you come and go, now and forever," [psalms 121:8]
This is easily one of my favorite bible verses. It's apt in any and every context.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Treasure those around you more.
Never wait until you realize you no longer have the chance.
Love truly,
Laugh uncontrollably,
And never regret anything that has made you smile.
" He will wipe away all tears from their eyes.
There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain.
The old things have disappeared."
(Revelations 21:4)
Rest in peace.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
NSFW alert! XDD
Now I'm so caught up with beating his stupid score. T^T
click me XD
Hurry go try it!
Thias says I type like machine gun, but why still slower then Mervin?!
Kk I go try again.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Saw it coming since I woke up.
Not only a sad day; a -inserts word here- angry one too.
What do you do now that your heart is so full of hatred?
What would you HAVE done?
This is not a time for petty conflicts, Audrey.
I've looked past that; you can go bask in your own childishness.
Remember: " Urgent " & " Important ".
I'm gonna go bang on the piano.
Let it out.
And keep the peace.
Lord, set me free.
" Let it be " - The Beatles.
When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
When all the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree
There will be an answer
Let it be
For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
there will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
Yeah, let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
There will be an answer
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
There will be an answer
Let it be
And when the night is cloudy
There is still a light that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow
Let it be
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
There will be no sorrow
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
There will be no sorrow
Let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
Monday, January 26, 2009
Audrey-Victoria Molly Ho Wanxin wishes all a Happy CNY!
May you win lots at blackjet,
Eat lots of pineapple tarts,
And, um. Try not to mug in these 2 days? Woohoo!
And because I have a sudden fetish for screen caps..
I read your first sentence laugh like idiot already. Oh no. I need more Silvia.
OH MY BUDDHA YOU ARE SO WEIRD. Cannot stand it. I throw (boiled in thai tom yum) fishballs at you then you know!
/edit: Thias says I type like machine gun. Oh my why is everyone so funny today!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Audrey wants to go back to the village. D:
Dear God, please keep the village children and our dear translators warm in the freezing cold weather?
1. Toon, who is tirelessly working,
2. Nuni, who is studying so very hard like us,
3. Tow, who is going to be a soldier soon,
4. Jack, who is going to get his degree in a semester's time,
5. Ms A, who is having loads of fun teaching her students,
6. Bank, who has changed his job and hasn't been online for us to know what he has been up to lately,
7. REH; Please, just keep safe dear boy,
8. Nut, who is.. " Lao Da"; take care of all the village children for us okay!! You're the boss!
9. Lester (the black dog at Ban Pha Taek), which is.. Um, are you still at Ban Pha Taek, Lester?? Lol, & lastly, for
10. All the children in the village, all of who I hope with all my heart they are healthy and happy. :D
" But all who find safety in you will rejoice; they can always sing for joy. Protect those who love you; because of you they are truly happy. You bless those who obey you, LORD; your love protects them like a shield."
.Psalms 5:11-12.
Love, Audrey-Victoria.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Guess who huh?
Saturday, January 10, 2009
OCIP gathering @ Sentosa!
Weather was shiok can?! So hot and full of love. But then idk why after coming back I'm still not tanned/red. Is sad about that. Also that AMIRAH couldn't come down last minute due to literature commitments. And Gerard N.E. although he read the bible the whole morning. And the others that couldn't.. We missed you!
Is happeh that ma Hein buddies could all come down! In hein! And pwn everyone at Basketball kthxbye. XD Thanks Petch especially for coming down since he only landed in freaking-hot Singapore the night before!
And so! Here are photos taken by my (insert every possible positive adjective here) camera!

And then I noticed! Petch is always blocking George. HAHAHAHA.
Yup, thanks all for going down again! Was really really happy we could finally meet up after so long. NEXT YEAR WE SHOULD SET A DATE TO STUDY TOGETHER AFTER SCHOOL RIGHT RIGHT. Every week! Then maybe we can all do well like KC and finally understand his magic tricks. Pfft. So, WEEKLY STUDY DATE OKAYS. If Gerard wants we can ask LB to come also. LOLLER.
/edit: THANKS FOR THE PRESENTS, BRENS, TRICIA, CHERUB, PETCH (you still owe me half. HAHA.) Much love to you all!