Friday, January 16, 2009


Audrey wants to go back to the village. D:
Dear God, please keep the village children and our dear translators warm in the freezing cold weather?

1. Toon, who is tirelessly working,
2. Nuni, who is studying so very hard like us,
3. Tow, who is going to be a soldier soon,
4. Jack, who is going to get his degree in a semester's time,
5. Ms A, who is having loads of fun teaching her students,
6. Bank, who has changed his job and hasn't been online for us to know what he has been up to lately,
7. REH; Please, just keep safe dear boy,
8. Nut, who is.. " Lao Da"; take care of all the village children for us okay!! You're the boss!
9. Lester (the black dog at Ban Pha Taek), which is.. Um, are you still at Ban Pha Taek, Lester?? Lol, & lastly, for
10. All the children in the village, all of who I hope with all my heart they are healthy and happy. :D

" But all who find safety in you will rejoice; they can always sing for joy. Protect those who love you; because of you they are truly happy. You bless those who obey you, LORD; your love protects them like a shield."
.Psalms 5:11-12.

Love, Audrey-Victoria.

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