" when you're down and troubled
and you need some loving care
and nothing, nothing is going right
close your eyes and think of me
and soon i will be there
to brighten up even your darkest night
you just call out my name
and you know wherever i am
i'll come running to see you again
winter, spring, summer or fall
all you have to do is call
and i'll be there
you've got a friend
if the sky above you
grows dark and full of clouds
and that old north wind begins to blow
keep your head together
and call my name out loud
soon you'll hear me knocking at your door"
and you need some loving care
and nothing, nothing is going right
close your eyes and think of me
and soon i will be there
to brighten up even your darkest night
you just call out my name
and you know wherever i am
i'll come running to see you again
winter, spring, summer or fall
all you have to do is call
and i'll be there
you've got a friend
if the sky above you
grows dark and full of clouds
and that old north wind begins to blow
keep your head together
and call my name out loud
soon you'll hear me knocking at your door"
Today was a really good day. Well I kind-of expected things to be really bad with me today, with the worry and all. Initially at morning worship I just wanted to be alone.. to just have that solitude and just pray, yknow? But Sammie saw me, I think she was concerned, and she came to join me. She knows what's going on and she prayed for me and I felt really good after worship. (: Thank you my love. Samuel said something that really struck me though.. " Everyday we wake up thinking 'it's yet another day..', but if not, then where would we be?" I thought that was really deep, lol. Maybe we should all really stop taking every day for granted. You never know how much time you have left.
The rest of school was okay I suppose. I didn't really feel like talking today but with such concerned and coolios friends around, how not to? They really helped to get my mind off things and I'm very thankful for them. Brens, Alexia, Meiting, Max.. Oh! I went for econs consultation today! I think I understand the tutorial more now so I am happy. (:
After school went to subway with Meiting Chesed and Victor. It was awesome! Awesome company, awesome food at awesome prices, awesome conversations. We talked about the weirdest things, seriously. About our childhood, then it lead to science (?!), then specifically to physics (photoelectric effect, relativity and time freeze), then to Tim foo (lol!) and then to disney.. Oh we also saw this really.. interesting dude in the 163 bus queue. Let's just say the afro dude.. attracted our attention. For more reasons other than his hair ;D
Had the FIRST video call in my life in the night (omg phailz). But my laptop sucks and I STILL CANNOT FIGURE WHERE THE MIC IS LOCATED AT. But still. It was quite funny because chesed was saying ' oh poor you, you have to type everything out..' I is going to get my headset tomorrows! D< After that had a webcam session with Toon! Awesomes to the maxest, seriously.

All in all I'm just really glad to have these people around. I love all of you, and thank you for standing by me today (: And hey, I'm always here too, okay?
x, Audrey.
photo credited to fringuellina on flickr!

The rest of school was okay I suppose. I didn't really feel like talking today but with such concerned and coolios friends around, how not to? They really helped to get my mind off things and I'm very thankful for them. Brens, Alexia, Meiting, Max.. Oh! I went for econs consultation today! I think I understand the tutorial more now so I am happy. (:
After school went to subway with Meiting Chesed and Victor. It was awesome! Awesome company, awesome food at awesome prices, awesome conversations. We talked about the weirdest things, seriously. About our childhood, then it lead to science (?!), then specifically to physics (photoelectric effect, relativity and time freeze), then to Tim foo (lol!) and then to disney.. Oh we also saw this really.. interesting dude in the 163 bus queue. Let's just say the afro dude.. attracted our attention. For more reasons other than his hair ;D
Had the FIRST video call in my life in the night (omg phailz). But my laptop sucks and I STILL CANNOT FIGURE WHERE THE MIC IS LOCATED AT. But still. It was quite funny because chesed was saying ' oh poor you, you have to type everything out..' I is going to get my headset tomorrows! D< After that had a webcam session with Toon! Awesomes to the maxest, seriously.

All in all I'm just really glad to have these people around. I love all of you, and thank you for standing by me today (: And hey, I'm always here too, okay?
x, Audrey.
photo credited to fringuellina on flickr!